About Antonya

My mission is to realign you with your soul’s purpose and alchemise your limiting subconscious beliefs, so you can awaken to your potential and create deeper meaning and joy in your life.

antonya catahlinah beamish

The story that led me to you

Like all good stories, mine has many chapters.

It all started in my mid-twenties when, living in London and working in the wellbeing industry, I reached a point of burnout. Little did I know at the time, the energies of my soul contract make me extremely prone to a lack of boundaries and overwhelm, but at the time I had no idea and was in desperate need of help.

Searching for answers, I discovered a beautiful holistic therapy called Kinesiology. Not only did it nurture me physically, but it gave me the gift of a wonderful relationship after I released a block around feeling worthy of love.

This was the reason that led me to train as a Kinesiology practitioner in 2017. I realised that I wanted to help others understand how their subconscious beliefs and emotional trauma contribute to their wellbeing.

It was this decision that led me down the incredible path that I’ve been following for the last 7 years.

The magic that unlocked my potential and purpose

As I began to expand my horizons through my work, letting go of rigid ways of thinking and exploring new beliefs, all of which I wrote about in my blog, I experienced a gradual but powerful shift of consciousness that catapulted me forwards on my path.

It was this delicious expansion that led me to train in Divine Healing, a remarkably powerful system of healing, and Soul Contract Reading, that gives you the spiritual map of your life.

These were the last pieces of the puzzle that connected everything together, and where I gained the deep levels of self-awareness that I hope to inspire within others.

As I align to my purpose, conquer my fears and heal my own limiting beliefs, I am finally stepping into my full authentic power, and it is my deepest joy to help others do the same.

If you’re ready to empower yourself from within, reach out to me, I’d love to work with you.

Much love,
Antonya Catahlinah Beamish

Discover how you can work with me

Unlock Your Purpose

Discover the secrets hidden within your birth name and awaken to the truth of who you are.

Spread Your Wings

Align to the path of your fullest potential to create deeper meaning and joy in your life.

Heal and Thrive

Release unconscious programmes, traumas and blocked energy to transform your reality.

Follow my journey on Instagram